Lana Banana

The Zoo 

Lana is excited to visit the new rainforest exhibit at the zoo. She takes her binoculars to see all of the animals up close. To her surprise, there’s a baby animal in a twisted situation. What will this quick-thinking animal rescuer do to help?

Go on an Adventure

Find the latest Lana Banana books

The Pet Store

The Circus


The Whole Bunch: Collector’s Edition

The Whole Bunch: Collector’s Edition offers K-3rd Grade readers all three of the Lana Banana Animal Rescuer Series in one book. The Lana Banana Series instills caring and kindness character strengths to help kids increase their self-esteem, empathy, and compassion. Parents and educators can view the Common Core Language Arts Curriculum and CASEL (SEL) Caring and Kindness standards.
